Pulse June 2019 | Page 51

the spa-goer Perspective With those questions in mind, i set out to experience a cBD massage for myself at The Spa at Griffin Gate inside Lexington, Kentucky’s marriott Griffin Gate hotel. Kentucky does more than produce bourbon and thoroughbred horses: it also has more total acreage of hemp growth than any u.S. state, making it an excellent place to take cBD for a test-drive. first, i wanted to learn more about the scientific case for cBD, so i turned to iSPa’s medical advisor, Dr. Brent Bauer of the mayo clinic. While cBD has been fDa-approved to treat epilepsy, the lack of studies on its efficacy at relieving pain “is the big challenge right now,” says Dr. Bauer. “We have pre-clinical data suggesting that cBD could be helpful for a lot of things—including pain and inflammation,” Dr. Bauer says, adding that “we have a lot of anecdotal evidence from people who have found benefit.” furthermore, he noted that cBD works through multiple chemical pathways, which makes it difficult to study. The preliminary data and anecdotal evidence was promising, but i still had one burning question left to ask once i arrived at the spa for my treatment—the question that most guests ask, according to the massage therapist: “will this show up on a drug test?” The answer, of course, “With that settled, I had only one question left—the question, the massage therapist assured me, was the one that most guests ask: ‘will this show up on a drug test?’” was no; the therapist was game to answer every other question i asked, too. She described how the massage oil was formulated and what i could do to maximize its effectiveness. The product was from a local Kentucky manufacturer, Bluegrass hemp oil, who grows and harvests the hemp itself. it was clear that The Spa at Griffin Gate had committed to educating its therapists, which is particularly important for a product that arouses as many questions as cBD. at the conclusion of the massage, the therapist had me swish the cBD oil around in my mouth—she said that this helped increase the product’s absorption. insights from a spa director and cBd supplier as a spa-goer, i had a lot of questions going into the process. as a spa director, it’s up to you to prepare your staff to answer them. after my first cBD massage, i spoke with melinda Dye, who is currently overseeing the Spa at Griffin Gate, who confirmed that they went to great lengths to educate their team. adriane Polyniak, founder of Bluegrass hemp oil, elaborated: “We did a the spa at griffin gate places Bluegrass hemp oil's products both on the counter and on a table in the middle of its retail space to ensure that every guest sees them. jUnE ■ PULSE 2019 49