# ISPAStrongerTogether
ISPA ’ s Virtual Town Hall Series Returns
LAST JUNE , ISPA hosted the first of its many virtual Town Halls , ushering in a series of reopening-focused panel discussions that centered on best practices for safely navigating the constant changes brought on by COVID-19 . To the delight of many ISPA members , the virtual Town Hall Series has returned for 2021 , as ISPA plans to host at least one Town Hall session per month for the remainder of the year . The series helps spa professionals tap into the expertise garnered by their peers who have navigated trending challenges in the industry . Each Town Hall features a group of panelists who will share proven success stories , areas of opportunity and tips on what to expect , with each covering a unique topic .
To view past ISPA Town Halls and stay up to speed on new additions throughout the remainder of this year , visit ISPA ’ s YouTube channel at youtube . com / user / ISPATheAssociation .
PANELISTS : Ella Kent • Jessica Shea Deidre Strunk • Robert Vance
MODERATOR : ISPA Chairman Patrick Huey
Limited exposure opportunities are available for upcoming Town Hall sessions . Contact ispa @ ispastaff . com to learn more .
OVER THE PAST MONTH , ISPA Board Officers Michelle Adams Somerville and Kelleye Martin have represented ISPA at a number of Beauty Cast Network Regional Job Fairs , presenting to more than 4,000 students — and active job-seekers — about careers in the spa industry . These job fairs have taken place in regions across the U . S ., allowing ISPA to continue its mission of promoting and elevating the spa industry by encouraging a new generation to consider a place in the industry and educating them about the benefits of working in spa , the training required and the culture they can expect to experience .
ISPA is committed to addressing the ongoing workforce challenges experienced by our industry and will continue to participate in these job fairs and other events as we seek opportunities to share the appeal of careers in spa with future professionals everywhere . To learn more about the Beauty Cast Network , visit beautycastnetwork . com ■
8 PULSE ■ JUNE 2021