Pulse March / April 2018 | Page 35

“If you have a burning passion for the spa industry and what you do every day, you will fit in well on the Board of Directors.” 1. coMMitMENt Being a member of the ISPA Board of Directors is more than just a cool title, it is a serious commitment to not only every member of the organization, but also the entire spa industry. You must be willing to make a time and financial commitment to travel to three board meetings a year as well as the annual ISPA Conference & Expo. Board members are also expected to participate in several conference calls a month, review board and leadership information a few hours per week, and be available as needed while still excelling at your full-time position within the industry. If that sounds like a lot, it is, but if you have the next trait, it won’t seem like work. 2. PassioN Music mogul L.A. Reid once said, “Find your passion and it’s no longer work.” That’s the kind of attitude ISPA needs in its leaders. You can’t lead with half a heart for those you are leading. If you have a burning passion for the spa industry and what you do every day, you will fit in well on the Board of Directors. 3. PErsistENcE It’s important to never give up on your dreams, and the ISPA Nominations Committee looks for those who are persistent in what they want. If you’ve applied for the Board of Directors before and weren’t selected, apply again! Several current members of the board interviewed several times before being selected for service. If this is your second, third, or even tenth time applying, you already know what to expect and can better prepare for the interview process. Plus, showing that you won’t give up on yourself, means that you also won’t give up on ISPA. 4. crEativity aNd divErsiry One of the great things about ISPA’s Board of Directors is that it brings together the minds and experiences of spa leaders from all over the world. Each person brings a unique perspective to the table, which allows for more creativity and a better approach to problem-solving. 5. collaboratioN When this group gets together there is never a dull moment—and that’s a good thing! During meetings and conference calls, it’s important to have the ability to work well with and feed off the energy of others. Being a member of ISPA’s Board is about more than just meetings and voting and decision-making. It’s about using your voice and passion to collaborate with other leaders to affect change in the industry you love. What could be more fun than that? Do you possess all qualities and more? If so, head to experienceispa.com to apply. Applications will open Sunday, April 1 and will remain open until midnight(EST) on Monday, April 30. Only completed applications will be considered, so get moving to experienceispa.com to get started. If you have any questions, please reach out to Samantha Smith at samantha.smith@ispastaff.com. n NoW tHat you KNoW what’s involved, click here to learn more about the application and selection process. March/April 2018 ■ PULSE 31