b y a s H l E y a lt
Analyzing Farm-To-Skincare Trend
The spotlight on wellness is burning
brighter than ever, and it looks like edible
ingredient skin care is next on the list of
big trends for the industry.
Emerging from the fact that healthy
eating and intake of nutrients or supple-
ments equates to a better, more radiant
complexion, this phenomenon appeals to
sustainable-minded consumers on the
hunt for natural and organic-certified
beauty products.
Although this “food for your face”
trend is fairly niche at the moment, the
potential to develop mainstream
offerings formulated with nutritive food
ingredients for healthier skin is definitely
there; credit swaying toward the extreme
shift to everything farm-to-table that
exploded in 2017.
March/April 2018
With more and more consumers looking
to go natural, green and organic in as
many lifestyle arenas as possible, it’s no
surprise that interest in natural food ingre-
dients for skin care is growing quickly, and
experts are determined to market the new
craze carefully and truthfully.
What is farm-to-face beauty?
We know that eating healthy foods is one
way to a vibrant complexion. Why not
put those healthy foods directly onto our
Similar to farm-to-table restaurants,
where menus are curated from super
fresh, super healthy foods, farm-to-face
beauty products come from pure, fresh
ingredients often grown on the premises
where products are created, allowing for
the inclusion of targeted superfoods like
kale and avocados.
One of the most versatile food ingre-
dients for skincare, which you probably
have been applying the past year, is
coconut oil. Its skin benefits strengthen
underlying epidermal tissue and contain
antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and
antioxidant properties. Research even
shows that it is strong enough to fight
chronic skin diseases characterized by
defects in the epidermal barrier function.
Using coconut oil on both the skin
and hair helps cleanse, moisturize and
heal wounds and scars quicker, and is
also beneficial for your physical
appearance. Containing antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory properties, plus
loads of healthy fats, coconut oil helps