Pulse March / April 2018 | Page 40

solviNg iNdustry ProblEMs dr. bryaN WilliaMs, is a keynote speaker, author, and consultant, who is passionate about service excellence and organizational effectiveness. Bryan has spoken to hundreds of organizations in over 20 indus- tries, including many Forbes 5-Star hotels, spas and restaurants. His passion is to serve others so they may better serve the world. by dr. bryaN WilliaMs going from Quit & stay to stay & Thrive it’s bad WHEN EMPloyEEs Quit aNd lEavE; but it’s EvEN WorsE WHEN tHEy Quit aNd stay. To quit and stay means to have an apathetic attitude and demeanor at work. In a spa, there is absolutely no room for apathy. Not towards one’s role, the guests or the spa overall. When guests choose to visit a spa, it is everyone’s responsibility to reaffirm the guests’ decision to visit in the first place. The team’s collective spirit of gratitude, eagerness and hospitality must be pervasive throughout every interaction and touchpoint in the spa. Each guest should feel celebrated, not tolerated. Uplifted, not disap- pointed. Rejuvenated, not depleted. With the right mix of culture, relationships and leadership, even the most despondent team members can go from quitting and staying to staying and thriving. the team’s collective spirit of gratitude, eagerness and hospitality must be pervasive throughout every interaction and touchpoint in the spa. What causes People to Quit & stay? 36 PULSE ■ March/April 2018 Many variables impact people’s morale, and how invested they are at work. Some of the main culprits are: l Lack of a clear vision and mission l Apathetic leadership l Apathetic co-workers l not feeling heard l Feel like contributions are irrelevant l Their own subpar performance is accepted or tolerated