former isPa board Member, todd Walter,
explains how everyone in the industry will benefit
from initiatives like Women in leadership.
P: How can men in the spa industry also get involved
with this initiative?
J: Men can encourage their companies to partner with Lean In
and make a pledge to gender diversity and equality. Men in senior
positions can mentor women and ensure mentorship programs
offer equal opportunities to both genders. Also, men with female
partners can ensure they show up as a 50/50 partner in the home
as women generally still take on more housework and childcare
responsibilities than men. Men can also stand up against gender
discrimination when they see it happening.
P: How can supporting women in leadership roles
enhance the wellbeing of the entire spa industry?
J: Studies show that companies with women in corporate
leadership positions correlate with better performance, likely as a
result of policies that actively work to eliminate discrimination and
facilitate women rising through the corporate ranks. Empowering
women to see themselves rising to the top of their careers can only
benefit our organizations and the people within them.
P: Because of their traditional roles in society, many
women face different challenges than men do when it
comes to their careers. How does this initiative help
women overcome these challenges?
J: When congregated into Lean In Circles, women discuss the
challenges of work-life balance and the concept of “leaning in” to
your career. Circles also discuss the importance of sitting at the
table and being present. When women discuss and learn about
these important topics in a small group of their peers, they feel
start your oWN
Lean In circle by
downloading the
kickoff guide at
Pulse: Why is this initiative important to you?
W: Because i strongly believe in what it
promotes and stands for: gender diversity and
equality in the workplace. This initiative
encourages a framework and forum in which
women can support each other as peers
in addressing business challenges and issues.
todd WaltEr
cHiEf ExEcutivE officEr
P: How has your involvement with isPa shown
rEd door sPas
you the impact of women in leadership roles?
W: We are fortunate to already be part of a progressive industry.
During my 12-year affiliation with iSpa, i have enjoyed getting to
know literally hundreds of people with diverse backgrounds and
experiences. Without question, having been part of a gender-
balanced group has shown me the importance of hearing and
learning from different perspectives, and having those different
perspectives represented and respected has led to better, more
well-rounded decisions and solutions.
P: Why do you think this initiative will benefit everyone in the spa
industry—male or female?
W: The Women in leadership initiative facilitates and encourages
a framework of support and encouragement for today’s, and
future, female leaders. i can’t help but feel excited about our
collective future as we encourage anyone and everyone who is
interested in helping to s hape the path forward.
more comfortable, engaged and empowered. That’s why utilizing
the Lean In organization’s framework works so well.
P: Many people see initiatives like this as having an “us
vs. them” mentality. Why is this opinion wrong and how
are you working to overcome it?
J: Lean In is not encouraging women over men, but equality,
which is what we should all strive for in our companies and
homes. Companies do better with gender diversity in the
leadership team so this clearly benefits everyone. n
FoR WoMEn:
do you want to become more involved with the Women in Leadership
Initiative? Here are a few tips from Jones to get started.
1. visit the initiative page at to
download resources on starting your own circle.
2. Gather a circle of 8-15 women to meet online or in person once
per month.
3. Register on and join the chapter gWileanin.
4. Get in touch with any member of the initiative committee and let
us know about your circle.
FoR MEn:
Men in the spa industry are welcome to get involved in the initiative as well. Start by
supporting women in your workforce or head to for
ideas on how you can get started today.
March/April 2018