convERSATIonS WITH sara JoNEs
by KElly HEitz
iN ordEr to dEvEloP a divErsE aNd crEativE WorKforcE,
our leaders must also come from different backgrounds, races,
genders and ideologies. With such a large population of women
working in the spas around the world, this industry is uniquely
positioned to empower and advance women leaders.
sara Jones, managing director and editor of Spa & Wellness
MexiCaribe magazine, has recently launched the Global Wellness
Institute’s Initiative for Women in Leadership. The organization
strives to help women in the spa and wellness industries further
their careers and encourage organizations to achieve equality and
diversity. The group has promoted female leadership throughout
the industry by partnering with the Lean In organization, brainchild
of Facebook coo Sheryl Sandberg.
For this month’s Conversations, we sat down with Jones, the
writer, traveler, entrepreneur, eternal optimist and wellness enthu-
siast who hopes to spread the message of inclusion and excitement
through this new initiative.
Pulse: Tell us about the Women in leadership Initiative.
Jones: The Global Wellness Institute Women in Leadership
Initiative was created to encourage women to form circles of
support and encouragement using the Lean In framework, and for
companies to empower and support women in their workplace
and ensure they provide equal rights and opportunities.
However, the industry is still disproportionately represented by
men at the top. We have so many amazing female leaders in the
spa and wellness sector, I feel that this is the ideal place to
encourage more female leadership and equal opportunities.
P: How did you get involved with the Women in
leadership initiative?
J: Having started my own Lean In Circle where I live in Playa
del Carmen, Mexico, I had the idea to take it further within the
wellness industry. So, I approached Susie Ellis, chairman and
CEO of the Global Wellness Institute. My vision was to have
Lean In Circles throughout the spa and wellness industry so
women at all stages of their career had guidance and support—
something I didn’t always have during challenging times as a
young female entrepreneur.
P: Why is it important for women in the spa industry to
support each other with groups like lean In Circles?
J: The workforce of our industry in many areas is largely female.
March/April 2018
global Wellness institute Women in leadership initiative committee members
Joanne berry, Jones and darlene fiske wore red hair streaks at the global
Wellness summit for the Women in leadership initiative.