Pulse May 2020 | Page 5

SPECIAL MAY SUPPLEMENT Repurpose that webinar content into an article. Post 2. it on your blog first and then, after four to five days, post it as a long-form article on your LinkedIn profile. Reach out to a local, trade or national publication to see if they’d like to post it on and/or offline. Share your content on social media. Create an 3. uplifting, inspirational meme or take a short tip from your article, tweet it out, post it on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. When your followers respond (be it a “like,” comment or share), please be sure to acknowledge them with a reply—even if it’s just two words: “thank you.” 3a. Consider video clips, Facebook Live or Instagram Live posts. You may have seen ISPA’s Instagram Live yoga class sessions with Syati Patangay, Zenoti’s Chief Wellness Officer. In addition, ISPA has posted videos in their feed and in their Instagram stories with Wednesday Workouts— leading viewers through fun and simple workouts with past ISPA chairman Todd Shaw from Technogym. ISPA has shared images on Facebook and Instagram directing viewers to their YouTube channel to listen to Petra Kolber speak about resilience. On Facebook they shared a video from Skana Spa at Turning Stone Resort Casino’s Director of Spa Operations, Shane Bird. Shane shared advice for a creating a spa-like experience at home. Likewise, the folks at Canyon Ranch Wellness Resort Tucson shared video clips on both Facebook and Instagram offering pointers from Stephanie Ludwig, Director of challenging time.” However, before doing so, do what Meredith Elliott Powell suggests: “Check your intention before you reach out. Make sure your intention is pure.” As a professional speaker, I wanted to reach out to some of the meeting professionals I had contacted prior to COVID-19. However, meetings and conferences have been canceled, so I felt uncomfortable contacting them to follow up. After some encouragement from colleagues, I did reach out, but not with a sales message. Instead, I sent a video email acknowledging that these are tough times we’re going through and that I wanted to check in to see how they were doing and help if I could. Genuine, honest and brief. “When your followers respond… please be sure to acknowledge them with a reply—even if it’s just two words: ‘thank you.’” Spiritual Wellness, about “how to find peace in this storm.” Video clips like these are easily shareable and keep your brand in front of your target audience, even if you’re not actively “selling.” Contact your existing clients—not with a hard-core 4. sales pitch, but with a sincere offer to help. It can be a simple, “I’ve been thinking of you during this Dont Give Up the Ship I started my copywriting business in 1989 in Boulder, Colorado, when times were also tough. Despite lean economic times, I was able to break ground, make an impact, find clients and establish a successful business. It happened because of a concerted effort to market myself and keep marketing. Don’t give up the ship. You can do the same without breaking the bank. Pick up the phone, write an article, invite clients or colleagues to a Zoom call, send out a video email, etc. Ask your customers what they want and need during this time. YOU’VE GOT THIS. You can navigate to smooth, clear waters, though it will be a new wave of normal. Of course, the big question is, “When?” For some, that time may have already come, and their spa may already be reopened. Others may still be closed, while many more are likely operating at reduced capacity or with limited services. Whenever the time comes to reopen fully, if you remain visible, your compassionate marketing efforts now will keep you top-of-mind later. What have you been doing to be a compassionate marketer? Whatever your strategy, please continue to be safe, happy and healthy and #spreadhope. n DEBRA JASON is the award-winning author of Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget, a direct response copywriter and multi-faceted marketing mentor. She is committed to helping you increase your visibility, gain top-of-mind awareness and grow your business. You may reach her at 303.443.1942, debra@writedirection.com and online at debrajason.com and writedirection.com. MAY 2020 ■ PULSE ■ COVID-19 UPDATE