Pulse November / December 2023 | Page 14



Ryan Leak

Pulse : The spa world has a long history of efforts to improve individuals ’ holistic health . As a community , we sometimes are more successful providing care to others than to ourselves . How can spa professionals balance self care with their mission to tend to others ? Ryan Leak : Practice what they preach . It ’ s so easy to sell the things that are working well for us . At that point , we ’ re not selling , we ’ re just being . I always say , there ’ s got to be an area of your life where you are truly “ off ” with Do Not Disturb on . We can only give out what has been put in .
Pulse : In your role as CEO of a leadership development firm , you work with Fortune 500 companies and professional sport teams and other high-profile businesses . What does it take to be effective and sustainable as a leader ? RL : Sustainable leadership requires truth tellers . What often comes with the territory of leadership is people not being honest with them to save face or save their jobs . Leaders have to have people around them who can be honest with them when an idea or strategy isn ’ t good .
Pulse : Tell us a little about self-leadership . RL : Self-leadership is really close to self-discipline and self-awareness . Self-leadership is the ability to effectively manage and motivate oneself to achieve personal and professional goals . It involves taking ownership of one ’ s actions , thoughts and emotions , and making deliberate choices to align with one ’ s values and objectives . It ’ s believing that it ’ s no one else ’ s responsibility to help you grow . Some people show up at an organization
wondering what that company is going to do to help them grow . I like to ask , What are you going to do to help you grow ?
Pulse : You ’ ve said ,“ Your life is meant to be enjoyed , not endured .” That ’ s a wake-up call for anyone who finds themselves perpetually focused on long-term goals . Is that a philosophy you developed because of something in your own life , or is it a pattern you ’ ve noticed when you work with ambitious business leaders ? RL : I ’ ve noticed that so many people are waiting for permission to enjoy their life . It ’ s like we all have this middle school principal walking around behind us to make sure we don ’ t get out of line . Some of my most successful clients are the most stressed . They have the most means to travel the world , go to the Super Bowl or get a second house in a city with favorable weather , but they acquiesce to the status quo . I decided a long time ago , I ’ m going to enjoy my life and career regardless of if I have ideal circumstances . I ’ ve discovered , through my faith , that joy hinges on our level of gratitude . I know people who have been given a death sentence with cancer who are fully enjoying the life they have left , and I know millionaires who are depressed they ’ re not billionaires .