Pulse November / December 2023 | Page 15


Ryan Leak is a dynamic thought leader in leadership development , known for captivating business audiences around the world . Every year , he advises 200,000 people to “ chase failure ” as part of his engaging and transformative presentations , and his expertise has inspired leaders from Fortune 500 companies to professional sports teams .
Leak ’ s extraordinary journey has captured the hearts of millions during his appearances on renowned shows such as Good Morning America and The Today Show . His USA Today best-selling book , Chasing Failure : How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success , has resonated with readers seeking to harness setbacks as steppingstones to achievement . His latest book , Leveling Up : 12 Questions to Elevate Your Personal and Professional Development , has earned recognition as a Wall Street Journal bestseller , cementing Leak ’ s status as a leading voice in personal and professional growth .
Pulse : What mindset should ISPA members have when they walk into your keynote address in April 2024 ? RL : Failure is your friend . It can do more for you than success ever could .
Pulse : ISPA is asking members to “ Dream Big !” during the 2024 Conference . How does that idea tie in to your work with business leaders ? RL : The funny thing is , business leaders never bring me in to dream small . If I ’ m invited into the room , it ’ s because they want to pull off something they couldn ’ t pull off without outside expertise . One of my clients ran for President knowing the odds were against him . And that ’ s exactly why I loved consulting with him . The bigger the underdog , the better . My desire is to help every person I speak to or with simply reach their potential .
Pulse : Your most recent book is the Wall Street Journal bestseller Leveling Up : 12 Questions to Elevate Your Personal and Professional Development . What are the 12 questions ? RL : 1 The Vision Question : What Is My Definition of Success ? 2 The Self-Awareness Question : What Is It Like to Be on the
Other Side of Me ? 3 The Self-Improvement Question : How Can I Get Better ? 4 The Team Player Question : What Credit Can I Give Away ? 5 The Humility Question : What Mistakes Can I Own ? 6 The Potential Question : What Risk Do I Need to Take ? 7 The Assist Question : Whose Dream Can I Support ? 8 The Integrity Question : What Is the Right Thing to Do ? 9 The Schedule Question : How Am I Managing My Time ? 10 The Rest Question : Do I Have to Do It All ? 11 The Fun Question : Am I Enjoying It ? 12 The Transparency Question : Who Knows Who I Really Am ?

“ There ’ s got to be an area of your life where you are truly off with Do Not Disturb on . We can only give out what has been put in .”