Pulse October 2016 | Page 34

SEE + BE SEEN VISITING MEMBERS. ISPA’s Immediate Past Chairman Michael Tompkins went the rounds to visit ISPA members. Left: Tompkins at Complexions Day Spa in Albany, New York. Below: Tompkins also spoke at the 2016 Expo De Turismo Internacional (ETI) in Puerto Rico and met with Stephanie Rest, co-founder of Caribbean Spa Association and Richard Trinidad, spa director at St Regis Bahia Beach. STYLE MASTERS. CND participated in the Revlon Professional annual international contest, Style Masters, in Paris, France. Style Masters offers a platform for hairdressers to express themselves as artists and present their most creative work. SUN SAFETY. WANT TO BE SEEN? Email allie.martin@ispastaff.com to submit post-event press releases and photos for potential inclusion in SEE+BE SEEN. 32 PULSE ■ October 2016 Students at the Shelly True Dance Academy in Littleton, Colorado learned about sun protection and skincare awareness with Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare.