Pulse October 2021 | Page 44

THE POWER OF A TESTIMONIAL ( and How to Get More )


Do you ever wonder how you can instantly increase credibility with potential clients and draw them into your business like bees to honey ? I have a few favorite tactics that can help you achieve that goal , and one of them involves a solid strategy of collecting referrals and testimonials .

I have worked in the spa and wellness industry for 28 years now , and I have spent that time fostering relationships and building a network of trusted industry colleagues to learn and grow from . If you ’ re a spa industry veteran like me , you might often feel like you have seen and done it all . I know firsthand it can sometimes be slightly uncomfortable asking for testimonials or referrals , but once you get that glowing testimonial or enthusiastic referral , you will see that it is all worth it ! The formula really is this simple : People buy from brands they like , know and trust . One of the quickest ways to establish that “ like , know and trust ” connection is through word-ofmouth referrals .