Pulse October 2023 | Page 61

want to hear , but for what is true for them — you may find many people are struggling : They ’ re overwhelmed , stressed , lonely . Yet , other people may be flourishing : They ’ ve found a way of living and working that fits their life phase .
Assist employees in adding

2 . “ thriving ” as part of their performance objectives , development and career plans . Prioritizing thriving isn ’ t about a place we finally reach some time in the distant future ; it is about using the stresses and complexities we ’ re in today to cultivate our capacity to be well and grow as human beings . Ask each employee to integrate their vision and goals for thriving as part of their focus on performance , learning and growth . Notice the moments of opportunity to provide real-time 3 . coaching for thriving . Coaching for performance is important , for sure ; yet , coaching for thriving is about making performance sustainable . A stressed-out colleague , an energydepleted team member , an employee who is languishing — you can help your team recommit to making their work a source of well-being through competent coaching support .

Encourage the team to lean

4 . into the resources available through your organization or their community . Many organizations have a robust system of support : employee resource groups , employee assistance programs and mental wellness care , smart-working technology , healthy food and fitness activities , medical assistance , financial literacy programs , outdoor environments , mindfulness education , brain training , and others . As a positive consequence of the pandemic , the communities in which your employees live also likely offer a range

of mental , emotional , physical and social well-being resources .
WHAT CAN I DO TO CULTIVATE THRIVING ? While everyone has a responsibility and opportunity to contribute to their organization every day with constructive attitudes and actions , leaders set the direction , tone and habits that promote a culture in which everyone can thrive .
Consider implementing these actions in your organization :
Put on your own mask first .

1 . Role model thriving first by showing you care about yourself . Honestly examine your mental , emotional , physical and social well-being today . Identify a couple of changes you can adopt to make well-being a foundation from which you lead .

Define what thriving means

2 . for you and your organization . Then , emphasize it within your organization ’ s vision , purpose and standards of measuring success .

Assess and listen . This baseline

3 . across your business will give you a grounded perspective into how many people are truly thriving , how many are struggling , and why . Plus , it will help you craft an approach to

KATE McIVER enhancing your team ’ s well-being in ways that are relevant .
Increase autonomy and

4 . connection at work . Autonomy and connection may seem at odds , yet they work in tandem . As much as feasible for your spa business , allow your employees to design their work , make decisions within their job scope and exercise flexibility for attending to life commitments . At the same time , help them meaningfully connect with each other and the greater purpose of the work that brings them together .

Implement work policies that

5 . appreciate people where they are . Find ways to acknowledge and care for the reality that people are balancing constantly shifting demands in work , family and other aspects of their lives — and every person is unique .

While every industry could benefit from strategically prioritizing thriving , spas and wellness centers should be the ones leading the way toward the future we envision , where all people leave work feeling more well and energized than when they arrived . We know and sell the positive impacts of well-being and it ’ s time we , as an industry , walked the talk . n
RENEE MOOREFIELD , PH . D ., is CEO of Wisdom Works Group , and KATE MCIVER is steward of programs and communications for the company . Wisdom Works developed the Be Well Lead Well Pulse ® assessment system , a scientifically-based tool that helps leaders embrace thriving as a leadership asset rather than an afterthought — where leaders are more open , present , connected and well , instead of reactive , disengaged and burnt out . The assessment measures 19 factors of psychological well-being and stress resilience , drawing on Wisdom Works ’ s 30 years of work integrating thriving into leadership and organizations . | BeWellLeadWell . com