Pulse October 2023 | Page 62



Trilogy Spa Holdings

HOLDINGS invested in the well-being of its leadership team by integrating the framework and metrics of the Be Well Lead Well Pulse leadership assessment . Trilogy ’ s Head of People & Culture , Andrea Zemel ( pictured ), guided these efforts following her training by Wisdom Works in the science and practices of well-being leadership .
TRILOGY COMMITS TO FOLLOW A WELL-BEING LEADERSHIP PATH Trilogy Spa Holdings embarked on a seven-month journey with 30 of its leaders — C-suite executives , departmental managers and spa directors — to reflect on how their personal well-being impacted their leadership . The journey began at Trilogy ’ s annual retreat , where Zemel facilitated an in-depth session on thriving . She invited her colleagues to identify three actions they could take in support of their personal and collective well-being .
Over the next six months , the team was prompted to make their actions a priority and explore additional avenues for integrating well-being into their lives and leadership . At the end of 2022 , the leaders reassessed their well-being to measure their growth and potential for making well-being a priority for themselves , their teams and the organization .
“ Taking that first step can be hard ,” reflected Zemel ,“ but it ’ s important to acknowledge how we are — or are not — taking care of our personal well-being , as this impacts how we show up for our colleagues . Prioritizing well-being has made a significant difference for each of
us personally , as well as our team culture and the clients we serve .”
Zemel also noted this process empowered leaders throughout the organization to actively create a culture of care , holding each other accountable for their impact on the team and giving support when needed . For instance , Trilogy COO Michelle Kenney implemented “ You Time ” meetings , blocking out time for staff to take care of themselves . ( The kicker ? There ’ s no actual meeting , just dedicated time for their personal well-being .) Plus , the group recently started hosting monthly wellness calls to dive deeper into topics of interest .
“ Championing the program has been successful ,” added Zemel ,“ as we ’ ve had 100 percent cooperation from our top leaders within Trilogy Spa Holdings .” Having leadership on board along with consistent communication has resulted in the team ’ s continuing to create a culture that embodies the organization ’ s ethos : Flawless Service , Every Guest , Every Day .
KEY ELEMENTS OF TRILOGY ’ S JOURNEY l Assessment : Trilogy ’ s executive leaders completed Wisdom Works ’ s leadership assessment . Nineteen psychometric measurements were shared in a confidential feedback report with scores across six dimensions — or pathways — to well-being leadership . l Debrief of results : A debrief of group
assessment results gave the company ’ s leaders holistic insights into their capacity to thrive as leaders and whole human beings . Participants discovered ways their well-being was in their control , rather than dependent on outside factors . l Measuring growth : The assessment was used again after seven months to gauge sustained changes to the leaders ’ well-being and stress resilience . They were invited to review their results and changes one-on-one or in small groups with Zemel , a Be Well Lead Well Pulse certified guide .
EVALUATING TRILOGY ’ S FORWARD PROGRESS In addition to creating a meaningful dialogue about well-being within the team culture , this group of leaders saw increases in several psychometric areas measured in the assessment : l Self Esteem at Work , the leader ’ s sense of making a difference at work . l Appreciation & Awe , the leader ’ s ability to bring curiosity to their lives and work , seek perspectives that differ from their own and use diversity to learn and grow . l Wholeness , the leader ’ s sense of positive integration of their life and work . l Today & Tomorrow , the leader ’ s perception of their quality of life today and optimism about the future . l Thriving Amplified , the leader ’ s ability to utilize their leadership to empower thriving for others . These increases also improved the leaders ' overall life fulfillment and leadership effectiveness . n