Pulse October 2023 | Page 73

“ We offer our employees cost on all retail so they will use it and love it as well .”

➤ MAKE IT A HABIT : Sales training doesn ’ t require a staff retreat for a long day of planned instruction . Slip in a few moments of group training during any employee gathering . Take two minutes to quiz or roleplay with employees one-on-one in daily interactions . ➤ KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE : The more familiar staff members are with customers and their needs , the better they will be able to make appropriate product recommendations . Moreover , employees who are wellversed in the benefits of each product will be able to impart their knowledge to customers , whose greater understanding of their options will result in increased sales .
➤ TRUST THE TEAM : Consider how you can help employees feel some ownership or agency about retail sales , and then establish some trust parameters . Perhaps you can enable team members to offer discounts or bonus products to help close a sale . Or maybe you can encourage naturally enthusiastic staffers to make personal recommendations , either directly to customers or as part of your spa ’ s marketing plan .“ We love to have leads do a brief live video to feature ‘ my favorite product ’ and tell why ” they love a specific offering , Tammy Schneider shared , saying she and some of Zi Spa ’ s stylists and estheticians have found customers enjoy and value such personal recommendations . ➤ RECOGNIZE SUCCESS : Rewarding individuals for contributing to strong retail success will reinforce their ongoing sales efforts . A shout-out during a team meeting or at an annual celebration is a great way to acknowledge sales excellence . Creating a retail incentive program can provide additional motivation : Whether it is a cash bonus or the inducement of free products , an incentive program is a popular way to encourage enthusiasm behind the sales counter . n
Make sure spa team members know whether retail products are the same ones used in treatments , along with the quantity in stock and where in the store the product is available .