Pulse October/November 2024 | Page 68


Pulse : Speaking of celebrations : ISPA will be celebrating its 35th anniversary at the 2025 Conference . If you could travel back to 1991 and give some advice to 10-year-old Peter , what would you tell him ? PK : I love this question . I think I would tell him to stay connected to joy and wonder . Ten-year-old Peter was such a joy-filled boy , full of curiosity . After my parents divorced when I was 13 , everything changed so quickly . By the time I was 16 , I was living by myself in an apartment . I ’ d gone into survival mode , and it felt like something got lost . I ’ ve been reconnecting with that younger version of myself in recent years , inviting his joy , wonder and playfulness back into my life . I actually just wrote a new song about it called “ It ’ s All So Beautiful ” that will be on my next album .
Pulse : You ’ re half of a popular podcast duo ( along with resiliency researcher Dr . Robyne Hanley-Dafoe ). The show In Time is described as a place where you two “ meet at the crossroads of art and science to discuss ideas for living richer , healthier and more satisfying lives .” Are we picking up some spa vibes ? PK : ( laughter ) There are definitely some spa vibes ! Recording that podcast actually feels like a spa every time . We ’ ve designed it in a way where all we need to do is log in and connect with each other — no matter where we are or what we ’ re in the middle of . Our only job is to connect , share stories and hopefully provide value for our listeners as we do . We often say to each other that no matter what tension or stressors we arrive with at the beginning of our time , we both always feel more energized , calmer and more heart-connected after spending that time together . Much like a spa !
Pulse : ISPA ’ s Conference theme will be “ Elevate .” What does the word “ elevate ” mean to you in the context of your personal and professional journey ? PK : As soon as I hear “ Elevate ,” I think of the experience I lead with 40 teenagers every summer . As a culminating experience in their journey , we take them on a two-day hike to a mountaintop , and then give them time to journal on how far they ’ ve come and dream up a future that ’ s inspiring to them . It ’ s hard work to climb a mountain . I always invite them to think about how it feels to be there in that moment , knowing they walked up there , carrying their heavy packs , and contrast it to how it might feel if they had just been dropped off in the same spot by helicopter . They share how they feel proud of themselves , that their confidence is elevated and their sense of what ’ s possible has expanded . Much like on that hike , when we want to elevate ourselves and each other , we want to have an inspiring future vision that we ’ re walking toward — and we need to take it one step at a time .
Pulse : If you could design a wellness retreat based on your life experiences , what would it include ? PK : We hold so much wisdom in our bodies ; we all use expressions like trust your gut … follow your heart … tap into your body , yet we approach most of life ’ s challenges first and foremost with our heads . I offer plenty of opportunities for participants to get into their bodies , to feel connected to their breath , to nurture a sense of flow and ease in their movement and dial down the intensity of their reactivity so they can show up in connection to themselves , to others and to their purpose .
Of course , I use lots of music , as well as creativity-based exercises as a way to get greater clarity on whatever challenges participants might be working through . n
“ 2025 marks ISPA ’ s 35th anniversary , and we believe Peter ’ s topic , ‘ We Become What We Celebrate ,’ will provide a perfect finale to our Conference . His presence will leave our members energized and inspire new ideas that can be celebrated into the future .”