Pulse September 2019 | Page 49

Bulletproof storytelling: Seven Secrets for Using Video to Maximize Spa Revenue Presented By todd hartley INtErACtIvIty: mODErAtE HH IF YOUR GUESTS CAN SEE THEMSELVES as characters in your story, they’ll be more likely to adopt your services for the transformation experience you provide. In this session, attendees will discover how spa guests have changed and how to use video storytelling to keep their potential guests glued to their message so they can transfer the knowledge and beliefs that make their spa solutions a no-brainer. toP takeaWays: l Discover how to identify and deepen your spa’s unique experiences. l Learn to tell your spa’s indigenous story so guests have an intimate connection with the value your spa provides. l Clarify your marketing messages so your website, front desk and concierge staff are all aligned with the same stories. l Utilize video storytelling as a business tool to sell spa services faster. “Storytelling has been one of our most fundamental communication methods for thousands of years. Spas who can create and share compelling stories have a powerful advantage over others.” How to Understand and Leverage your Authentic Culture to Recruit, Engage and Retain your Workforce Presented By daWn Burke INtErACtIvIty: mODErAtE HH FOCUSING ON YOUR AUTHENTIC culture isn’t a passing fad. No longer a “millennial” thing or a “Silicon Valley” trend, it is now a workplace funda- mental essential to recruit and retain top talent. In this session, attendees will share tips and learn how to create a powerful culture that leads to talent retention. toP takeaWays: l Understand relevant human capital trends and the top drivers leading us to redesign workplaces. l Learn how your work culture and employee engagement are connected. l Learn five “culture and engagement factors” that motivate modern workers. l Real tips to assess, understand and leverage those five factors to drive business results. “Research shows that 89 percent of leaders believe building an organization of the future is important, yet only 11 percent know how.” the Power of research: Helping Spas Plan for Success Presented By russell donaldson INtErACtIvIty: LOw H BY BETTER KNOWING HOW to unlock the value from data, spas will be able to benchmark and analyze their performance more comprehensively, helping refine their strategy and enhance their business. toP takeaWays: l The value of data to the modern spa and how to apply the U.S. Spa Industry Study results to your spa. l What research tells us about the evolution of the spa industry. l What consumers want from the spa experience in 2019. l What research tells spas about the recruitment, retention and engagement of staff. “For 20 years, PwC has conducted ISPA’s well-known research, culminating two decades worth of industry, consumer and workforce data that provides data and research valuable to the modern spa.” SEPtEmbEr ■ PULSE 2019 47