Minimum Gap Restriction : A smart strategy to reduce unsold gaps in the spa schedule and maximize revenue potential
AS A SPA DIRECTOR OR REVENUE MANAGER , you know how important it is to fill your spa schedule with as many appointments as possible . But you also know not all appointments are equal . Some leave unsold holes in the schedule that are hard to fill , especially if the gaps are short or irregular . These gaps can reduce your revenue potential and waste your therapists ’ time . How can you avoid these gaps and optimize your spa revenue ?
One solution is to implement a minimum gap restriction ( MGR ) strategy . This strategy ensures that if a new reservation leaves an opening that would likely go unfilled , the reservation should not be accepted . For example , if an opening in the spa schedule would fit a new reservation , but it leaves a gap in the schedule that would likely go unfilled ( say 15 , 30 or 45 minutes ), then the reservation should not be accepted . Only appointments that leave at least the minimum gap before or after the service — say , 60 minutes — should be booked so the resulting gap is ample for another popular 60-minute service to be booked later . This helps ensure popular services fit seamlessly into the schedule without leaving gaps that go unsold .