Pulse August / September 2023 | Page 25

Overview of study ’ s nine key findings

OVERALL , NINE KEY FINDINGS emerged from the “ Leading in the Health & Well-being Industry 2023 ” study that reveal considerable potential for industry leaders to enhance well-being leadership for themselves and the people and organizations they serve .
Summaries of each key finding are shared below . To access the full report , click the “ Leadership Study ” tab at bewellleadwell . com .

1Higher Leader Well-being Links to Higher Leadership Impact Across the health and well-being industry , this study found the psychological well-being of leaders strongly correlated with the impact they reported . Leaders who scored high in their mental and emotional well-being also reported greater abilities to energize others , maximize the effectiveness and growth of others and cultivate a positive , collaborative work environment .

2Leaders Across the Industry

Show Potential for Growth While this study generally found higher leader well-being linked to higher leadership impact , leaders across the health and well-being industry generally reported room for improving their well-being leadership . Overall , health and well-being industry leaders perceived they were not as internally well-resourced as they could be to handle the complexities and challenges of their life and work .

3Human Potential & Development Leaders Report Lowest Well-being Leadership and Highest Stress Well-being leadership declined when looking closely at the Human Potential & Development sector . While leaders in this sector were 35 percent of the study sample , they represented a disproportionate 42 percent of the low well-being leadership category and 46 percent of the high stress category .

4Middle- and First-Line Managers Show Need for Support Across the health and well-being industry , first- and mid-level managers reported lower well-being leadership as compared to other leadership levels . As this pool of leaders are the future of the industry , this finding highlights a critical opportunity for retaining and developing top talent by empowering middle-and first-line management to prioritize well-being .

5Well-being Leadership for Top Management Depends on Industry Sector When diving into the three sectors of the health and well-being industry , reports of well-being leadership for top management differed considerably . Leaders in the Global Wellness Economy sector scored higher than those in Healthcare and Human Potential & Development .

6The Experience of Work Differs Across Level of Leader When compared to middle- and first-line management , top management and non-managerial leaders across the health and well-being industry perceived greater Job Autonomy and perceived their Work Culture as more organic and participative .

7Well-being Leadership Varies for Gender Identity Leaders across the health and well-being industry showed no real differences in their overall well-being leadership relative to gender identity . A deeper analysis of the industry by sector , however , told a different story .

8Female Leaders Show Slightly

Higher Stress than Male Leaders Leadership research has frequently shown burnout , stress and exhaustion affecting women more than men . This study of leaders across the health and well-being industry is no different . For each health and well-being industry sector , a higher proportion of women consistently scored in the high stress category compared to their male counterparts .

9Higher Well-being Leadership

Is Linked with Age Across the health and well-being industry , well-being leadership generally increased over a leader ’ s lifespan while several stress factors decreased with age .