19 Psychometrics of Well-being Leadership
WHEN HEALTH AND WELL-BEING industry leaders responded to the “ Leading in the Health & Well-being Industry 2023 ” study ’ s questions , two areas of the survey focused on well-being leadership , comprising 19 psychometric areas .
Psychological well-being includes 16 psychometrics that provide a window into a leader ’ s perceived internal resourcefulness to meet their lifework demands with a high quality of life , competence and growth . The three psychometrics of leadership impact shed light on the leaders ’ reported ability to amplify thriving for people at work .
Psychological Well-being Psychometrics Today & Tomorrow : The extent the leader perceives themselves as thriving today , as well as their opti- mism about thriving in the next five years . Flourishing : The extent to which the leader perceives meaning and purpose in their life , as well as an interest , engagement and competence in their daily activities . Flourishing also addresses the extent to which the leader perceives their social relationships are supportive and rewarding , they are respected by others and they contribute to others ’ happiness . Resilience : The extent to which the leader perceives they can bounce back or recover from the daily stress and difficulties which are an inherent part of life and work , restoring their wellbeing when they get off track . Eating as Fuel : The extent to which the leader proactively uses eating habits to positively manage their stress and energy , plus perform at their best .
Moving as Fuel : The extent to which the leader proactively uses physical activity to positively manage their stress and energy , plus perform at their best . Resting as Fuel : The extent to which the leader proactively uses sleep and rest to positively manage their stress and energy , plus perform at their best . Breathing as Fuel : The extent to which the leader proactively uses the breath to positively manage their stress and energy , plus perform at their best . Engagement at Work : The extent to which the leader gets immersed in their work , feels happy and inspired by work and experiences inherent satisfaction and pleasure in work itself . Self-Esteem at Work : The extent to which the leader perceives themselves as important , meaningful , worthwhile , effective and valuable to the organiza-